Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Samplefest 2013

Our next Samplefest Gluten Free Food & Health Fair
is on Saturday, April 20, 2013, from 9am-3pm.
St. John Lutheran Church, 11005 NE Hwy 99, Vancouver
Admission: $3.00 per person, $12.00 Max per family
Children 12 and under are Free
Please bring donations for the Church Food Bank/FISH
Enjoy our $1 Menu of delicious food choices for our GIG Fundraiser
Samples galore, Door Prizes and more...
Cash & Checks only please for vendor product purchases. 
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey: 425-761-3424/
levinaj@comcast.net or Kristi: 360-695-0862/justus323@yahoo.com
Please come join us! Thank you.