Thursday, December 27, 2012

Flour Power

Almond Meal and Flour
Full of monounsaturated fat, protein, and fiber, almonds
can do nearly everything wheat flour can do, with some
baking-technique tweaks. Reserve almond flour (ground
blanched almonds) for baked goods that require the lightest
texture, such as cakes. Go with the coarser, less costly, and
easier-to find almond meal for everyday use.
Coconut Flour
When added to nut flours and meals, coconut flour (ground
coconut meat) helps produce a finer texture that's better for
baking. It's also useful for breading fish, poultry and meats
and for thickening liquids.
Ground Golden Flaxseed
For baking, mix ground golden flaxseed (not brown) with other
meals or flours. Both types work for breading.
-Prevention Magazine, January 2013