Thursday, February 28, 2013

Fish Oil & the Heart

The omega-3 fats in fish oil (EPA and DHA) don't appear to keep
the heart rhythm regular, as earlier studies suggested.
Argentine and Italian researchers randomly assigned 586 people
with an irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) to take either 1 gram
of fish oil (containing 850 to 880 milligrams of EPA plus DHA) or
a placebo every day. Neither the scientists nor the patients knew
who was taking what.
After one year, there was no difference in irregular heartbeats between
the two groups.
What to do: Follow your doctor's advice if you have atrial fibrillation,
which is linked to a higher risk of stroke. Just don't expect fish oil pills
to stabilize your heartbeat.
-Nutrition Action Healthletter, March 2013